Madison River Recreation Meeting Date Sep 23 2024 Time 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Madison River Recreation Meeting NorthWestern Energy is inviting the public to provide input about recreational facilities and opportunities along the Missouri and Madison rivers. NorthWestern Energy owns and operates two dams (Hebgen and Madison dams) on the Madison River and seven dams (Hauser, Holter, Black Eagle, Rainbow, Cochrane, Ryan and Morony dams) on the Missouri River. Enhancing public recreation in these areas is a federal licensing requirement to operate the dams. NorthWestern Energy, in partnership with the public-private Missouri-Madison River Fund, have provided $6.4 million in grant funding for public recreation, leveraging $12.9 million in public recreation enhancements, since 2007. NorthWestern Energy has also contributed $1.8 million in matching funds. NorthWestern Energy is hosting four meetings to gather public input about public recreation along the river corridors included in the Missouri-Madison Comprehensive Recreation Plan, part of our federal licensing requirement. “Our Montana hydro facilities are an incredible carbon-free generation resource for our Montana customers,” said NorthWestern Energy Manager of Hydro License Compliance Andy Welch. “The Missouri River and Madison River corridors where our hydro facilities are located are also an incredible recreational resource for Montanans and visitors. We work closely with public agency partners to provide the best possible opportunities for public recreation, but are holding these meetings to offer the general public a chance to voice their suggestions about what will continue to make the recreational experiences in this area positive.” Meetings will be held: Sept. 23, 6-8 p.m. Hebgen Ranger District Office conference room, 330 Gallatin Road, West Yellowstone + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export 00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds Location Hebgen Lake Ranger Station
Date Sep 23 2024 Time 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Madison River Recreation Meeting NorthWestern Energy is inviting the public to provide input about recreational facilities and opportunities along the Missouri and Madison rivers. NorthWestern Energy owns and operates two dams (Hebgen and Madison dams) on the Madison River and seven dams (Hauser, Holter, Black Eagle, Rainbow, Cochrane, Ryan and Morony dams) on the Missouri River. Enhancing public recreation in these areas is a federal licensing requirement to operate the dams. NorthWestern Energy, in partnership with the public-private Missouri-Madison River Fund, have provided $6.4 million in grant funding for public recreation, leveraging $12.9 million in public recreation enhancements, since 2007. NorthWestern Energy has also contributed $1.8 million in matching funds. NorthWestern Energy is hosting four meetings to gather public input about public recreation along the river corridors included in the Missouri-Madison Comprehensive Recreation Plan, part of our federal licensing requirement. “Our Montana hydro facilities are an incredible carbon-free generation resource for our Montana customers,” said NorthWestern Energy Manager of Hydro License Compliance Andy Welch. “The Missouri River and Madison River corridors where our hydro facilities are located are also an incredible recreational resource for Montanans and visitors. We work closely with public agency partners to provide the best possible opportunities for public recreation, but are holding these meetings to offer the general public a chance to voice their suggestions about what will continue to make the recreational experiences in this area positive.” Meetings will be held: Sept. 23, 6-8 p.m. Hebgen Ranger District Office conference room, 330 Gallatin Road, West Yellowstone + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export 00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds