West Yellowstone Vintage Oval Racing Championship Date Mar 07 - 08 2025 Time All Day West Yellowstone Vintage Oval Racing Championship West Yellowstone Vintage Oval Racing Championship The race will be in the park in West Yellowstone. They are closing down 2 streets for trailer parking. Races will be Friday and Saturday and the combined points from both days will determine the champion of each class. Classes STOCKSingle340 Fan340 F/A & Liquid500 Fan500 F/A & Liquid MOD Single340 F/A & Liquid500 F/A & Liquid OPEN MODAnything 1985 and older leaf sprung WOMENStock 500 Fan JUNIORStock 340 Fan KIDS120 & 200 POSSIBLEDash For CashBarn FindKitty Cat + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export 00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds Location Pioneer Park
Date Mar 07 - 08 2025 Time All Day West Yellowstone Vintage Oval Racing Championship West Yellowstone Vintage Oval Racing Championship The race will be in the park in West Yellowstone. They are closing down 2 streets for trailer parking. Races will be Friday and Saturday and the combined points from both days will determine the champion of each class. Classes STOCKSingle340 Fan340 F/A & Liquid500 Fan500 F/A & Liquid MOD Single340 F/A & Liquid500 F/A & Liquid OPEN MODAnything 1985 and older leaf sprung WOMENStock 500 Fan JUNIORStock 340 Fan KIDS120 & 200 POSSIBLEDash For CashBarn FindKitty Cat + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export 00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds