How to Get the Perfect Yellowstone Photograph


Courtesy of Carolyn L Fox,

Photography isn’t just snapping pictures of beautiful scenes, loved ones, or animals. It’s preserving memories of things you treasure. Through photography you can bring a person from their spot in the world to yours. You can show them things they’ll never see and open worlds to them that they’ll never experience. They can stand with you among the geological wonders of Yellowstone or watch as a grizzly bear nurses her cubs. That’s how powerful a photograph can be if the subject is captured correctly.

Great photographs are not necessarily the result of having the best equipment in the world. It’s how you use what you have. Anyone can take an incredible photograph by following some basic principles.

One thing that is absolutely crucial is knowing how to use your camera correctly, whether it’s an iPhone or an expensive camera. The time to figure that out is before you get to your destination, not when you’re trying to get that once in a lifetime photograph. Read your manual, take some practice shots and always check your camera settings before taking a picture. Make sure you’re using the correct shutter speed, aperture, ISO or Mode.

Decide on your subject. What do you want your viewer to see? What’s your story? Every picture should tell a story.

You’ll have a more interesting picture if you compose in thirds, placing your subject to the side of the frame and leaving some space in front of your subject, especially if the subject is a person or an animal. Placing the subject in the center normally creates a more static picture and that’s not what you want. Lines that lead towards your subject will help the viewer see what you want them to see and feel what you felt when you created the picture.

Try to take pictures in the early morning or in the evening when the light is nice instead of in the middle of the day when the sun is bright and the shadows harsh. Don’t put the camera away when it’s foggy. Those days are great for environmental and surreal pictures.

Make sure your shutter speed is fast enough and that you have enough light. Hold your camera steady and use a tripod if possible. Raise your ISO if needed. A little noise is better than a blurry picture. Capture moments!

Think about what story you want to tell, how you want to tell it and what you want the viewer to “see” when they view the image that you’ve created.

Ten Tips for Better Photography
1. Decide on a center of attention
2. Capture moments
3. Compose in thirds
4. Avoid camera shake
5. Check camera settings before taking a picture
6. Check the light source
7. Choose the appropriate aperture, shutter speed and ISO
8. Create a sense of depth
9. Use a simple background
10. Practice, practice, practice

For more helpful information and tips: